The range of my professional activities is very wide. It starts from a “salary” and free working consultant, head of commissioning of complex sites, project manager of small and big plants up to the function of CEO of a medium sized enterprise.
Here some examples (in a logical order):
o Bio-gas-site (Cuba) => project management and construction
o Bio-gas-site & waste management concept (riding stable, Gr. Enzersdorf, Austria)
=> project management and construction
o Implementation of the management systems ISO 14001 & EMAS (Peithner- Austroplant, Vienna)
=> head of the eco-management department, consultant
o Bio-Diesel-Technologies LTD (Austria, Slovakia, Spain, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Argentina)
=> Product design, Project management, head of commissioning
o Bio-Diesel-Industries PLC (Austria, Spain) => head of commissioning
o VAOS LTD (Austria, Libya) => head of the eco-management and infrastructure department
o Energia/ Energy systems (Austria) => CEO, separation due to on legal grounds
o UHDE-THYSSEN-KRUPP; LDPE-site (Qatar) => member of the commissioning head team
o LINDE; Acetylene-Site (Saudi Arabia) => member of the commissioning head team
o Vogtenhuber-Consulting (Austria) => Consultant for small and medium sized (SME) and
one-person (OPE) enterprises